Quality Health Care for Your Cat or Dog.

Prevention of Potential Illnesses
Stay up to date on your pet’s vaccinations at Beach View Veterinary Hospital. We offer complete vaccination services from our experienced, fully trained veterinarians. We can prevent the following illnesses:
- Rabies
- FDRC – feline distemper vaccine
- Bordetella
Let us give your cat or dog the specific care they need. Basic pet vaccinations are essential to your pet’s overall wellness plan. Ensure no future ailments befall your pet, thanks to our experienced staff. Call us and schedule a checkup appointment today!
Why Vaccinate?
Many serious infectious diseases of cats can be prevented by vaccination. With over 50-million pet cats in the United States and Canada, your cat is bound to come in contact with an infectious disease at some time. Even indoor cats can be exposed to viruses carried in the air, dust or on clothing. Vaccination is inexpensive protection against costly treatment or even the premature death of your cat.
How Do Vaccines Work?
Vaccines for cats work just like vaccines for people. Researchers have been able to change viruses so that they are no longer able to produce sickness and disease. When the safely altered virus is given to your cat, he responds by producing antibodies. These antibodies circulate in your cat’s blood, protecting him from infection.
Booster shots or revaccination should be given annually to continue this protection for your cat’s lifetime.
Should I Vaccinate My Kitten?
As soon as you get a new kitten, it should be vaccinated. Although kittens may receive some disease immunity passed along from their mothers, this protection is unpredictable. Because of this, veterinarians recommend a series of vaccinations to guard a kitten through the early, most susceptible, months of life. Ask your veterinarian.
What Diseases Can My Cat Be Vaccinated Against?
Feline panleukopenia
Also known as distemper, this disease is highly contagious and most often fatal. As many as nine out of ten cats who get distemper die from it. It’s common throughout North America and is easily transmitted from cat to cat. Cats with distemper may be depressed, suffer a loss of appetite, fever, vomiting or diarrhea.
The chances that your cat will be exposed to distemper are very high. Veterinarians recommend that all cats be vaccinated against distemper. Distemper vaccines are available in combination with other feline vaccines.
Feline respiratory diseases
Feline respiratory diseases involve several different infections that have this in common. They are very contagious and are widespread. Chances are, your cat will be exposed to them. Although death from respiratory disease is uncommon in otherwise healthy adult cats, high death rates are reported in kittens and geriatric cats.
It’s an upper respiratory virus that is similar to a human cold, and causes sneezing, runny nose and eyes, and coughing. Once a cat is infected with this virus, the infection may be permanent.
It’s another virus with cold-like symptoms, including fever, runny nose, and can cause loss of appetite.
It’s an upper respiratory infection caused by a bacteria, which can lead to fever, runny eyes and runny nose. Upper respiratory infections are easily spread from cat to cat by sneezing, etc. Even a cat that seems outwardly healthy can infect your pet.
Your veterinarian can protect your cat against all the major respiratory diseases like rhinotracheitis, calici, chlamydia as well as panleukopenia in one vaccine. Vaccinations should begin no later than three months of age, followed by annual re-vaccination.
Feline leukemia
Unknown 20 years ago, feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is now considered the leading cause of cat deaths. Cats infected with FeLV rarely live more than three years. FeLV breaks down the cat’s ability to fight off infections of any sort. The cat usually dies of a disease that it would normally be able to resist.
After years of research, an effective FeLV vaccine was introduced in 1985. Because the disease is so common, as many as 30% of cats in a multi-cat household may have been exposed, vaccination is strongly recommended for all healthy cats.
Rabies is a fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Although dogs have traditionally been considered the main carriers of rabies, cats actually outnumbered dogs in reported cases of rabies since 1981.
Rabies is a public health hazard and a personal risk to all pet owners. Many states require vaccination against rabies, and most veterinarians recommend vaccination for all cats and dogs, regardless of state law.
Rabies can be transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. Even indoor cats can come in contact with a rabies carrier in a basement, garage or attic. Because there is no cure for rabies, vaccination is your pet’s only protection.
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